I know right!
Sorry I have not been around. Life has its tendency to throw you off your game. Hence the reason for why I have been absent. After
CHA, I come home to semi messy house with so much catching up on laundry, cleaning, cooking and taking care of my babies and yes that is including the biggest baby of them all my husband. Only to find out he was leaving for San Antonio for a week just a day after I got back.
So that means no rest. Kids are still on summer break but we finally got some time to get ready for the new school year. I can't believe my babies are getting so big. Isabella will start her Pre-K in about a week from now. She has her school exam this Saturday and then Monday we do our parent conference in her school and then a couple of day after that she starts school. Isaac is going on 3rd grade and he cant wait. I took them shopping this past Friday and Saturday. WE got everything for them during our TAX FREE weekend. Yay! So happy I was able to get everything they needed for school supplies as well as clothes. Not a lot of clothes but enough to sustain them till one of the grandmas come over to spoil them rotten. I am planning on taking pics of Isabella trying out her outfits and figuring out which one she will wear for her first day. I am so oober excited for her. She is just dying to go to school already and everyday she ask...."am I going to school today?" Aaagh stop growing up little girl.
Anyway, another new thing for us is, our realtor has decided to terminate her contract with us to sell the house. SURPRISE!!! I mean, ok we were not happy with how it was going as far as selling the house but this was a surprise. Did not see that coming. We gave her a chance becuz she is a friend. Oh well! So now we are in the process of finding a new realtor. It is not going well. Tomorrow I will have to decide becuz I have no time to mess around, wasting time we need to sell this house. If it was up to me I can go and rent it out right now. So that I can pack up all my crap and take to storage, move to an apartment with my kids and live off of what we will need until we have to move to Washington. It is going to be hard and hectic around here for me. Jorge is heading out to San Antonio only this time he will be gone for 4 months. YEP! You heard me right 4 freakin months for Officer school. So by the time he is done with that we have to pack and move to Washington State. NO time and no messing around. I am hoping with Jorge being gone and both kids in school I can get a job part time and or take some online classes and try to finish up my associates. Agh! who know what will happen.
So there you have it. My crazy life in a nut shell. I am playing with AMM August Kit right now but have not gotten very far at all. I am working on a mini and I am very excited about it. You know I will post my stuff when I am done so I don't need to remind you I will. Thanks for listening to my crazy blabbering and complaining and venting. But before I go here is a pic of AMM's August Kit Sophistication and also Kimmi Anchord is doing an online class for AMM starting Aug. 25th. So here is a sneak for that as well. Enjoy and have a great night!
AMM's August Kit above and Kimmi's online Class (10 tips for summer fun) at the bottom.
To find more info about the kit and online class, you can go here: amillionmemories.com